But look again at this sleeve. What’s that underneath the ‘ie’ of ‘Zombie’?
“Ein film von Damian Morter”
What? No. This is ein film von Jake Hawkins und Andy Phelps. Damian Morter is the director of a completely different (but also very enjoyable) British zombie film, Book of the Dead aka The Eschatrilogy. Plus a short called Zombie Run. But he didn’t have anything to do with Zombie Resurrection (as far as I know). He certainly didn't direct it!
I’ve seen some sleeve cock-ups in my time but: wow. Just wow.
[Update: The title was later changed to Zombie Priest - but with Damian still credited, - MJS]
As long as they are going to put Damos name on there they should at least link to his ACTUAL zombie flick..... sorted ;)